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The Friends of Hinchliffe Stadium is a volunteer advocacy organization founded on September 17 2002, the 70th anniversary of the stadium's ceremonial opening. It is made up of volunteers from Paterson, and beyond, who love baseball and Hinchliffe Stadium, its history and meaning to the local and larger communities, and are dedicated to seeing it preserved and revitalized as a great sports venue and centerpiece of a great and thriving city.


Our goal is to partner with those who share any part of this vision to protect this remarkable space as living history, and have it recognized as the National Treasure it is.


We have joined with the Paterson Public Schools, who own the stadium, the City of Paterson, who have signed a Shared Services Agreement with the Schools, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, who have declared Hinchliffe Stadium a “National Treasure” and the National Park Service, who have named it a National Historic Landmark, and included it in the Great Falls National Historical Park.

We want to keep this great place alive by honoring its history, and by helping re-vision its future in the City and region.


Hinchliffe Stadium is a story that must be told. We look forward to hearing from you with any feedback, comments, or contributions on how you can help the stadium have a future that it deserves.

For more information:
973-773-8646 or
Hinchliffe Dizzy Dean program inside 202


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Friends of Hinchliffe Stadium

This 1934 Hinchliffe Game Program is signed by Major League Greats Dizzy Dean and Daffy Dean

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